Greenviews Resorts – Palawan Flora & Fauna

Palawan has about 450 species of butterflies.
Unlike most of the Philippine islands, Palawan is west of the Wallace Line (see fact sheet appendix.) so consequently its flora & fauna is kin to those in Borneo and South-East Asia and differs significantly from those in Luzon & The Visayas.
Some pictures of Palawan's wildlife can be seen on the Greenviews El Nido and Port Barton website pages but more can be seen on this section of the website. These pictures are just a sample of the often unique (endemic) species to be found on Palawan. Palawan has about 450 butterflies 55 of which are endemic. These endemics include two species of birdwing (Trogonoptera trojana and Troides platinii) and Papilio lowii all of which can be seen flying in the gardens at Greenviews.
There are a considerable number of moths and other insects of which a number may be new to science just waiting to be discovered. Occasionally, Dave will set-up a MV light with a white sheet to attract night insects and it is impossible to predict what might turn-up on any night. Evidence of this is the giant Atlas moth on Dave's back as can be seen in the picture and its wing span must be close, if not exceeding, the world record. Unfortunately at the time we never thought to measure it!

There are at least 19 endemic birds on Palawan including the Palawan Peacock & Palawan Hornbill, both quite spectacular.
Amongst the animals Palawan has the endemic Mouse Deer, which is probably the smallest deer in the world, the Palawan Bear Cat & the endemic Palawan Bearded Pig.
The latter two can be seen at Greenviews Corong–Corong, El Nido.

Amongst the many trees, shrubs, climbers and flowers found on Palawan probably pride of place goes to the orchids, many of which can be seen at Greenviews.
The owners of Greenviews, Tina & Dave have a genuine love of nature and try and encourage wildlife to flourish by growing the right plants and trees.
To further this aim additional land has been purchased which will be protected from destruction and it is intended to start jungle treks for guests so that they too can enjoy seeing large native trees, wildlife and waterfalls.
These waterfall, whilst not being of great size, have natural rock pools where guests may wish to relax after a walk through the jungle. For the brave and/or wildlife enthusiast an overnight stay in the jungle may be possible by 2012/13.
click on the thumbnail photos to enlarge.
click on the thumbnail photos to enlarge.
click on the thumbnail photos to enlarge.